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TOEIC® IP L&R Online Test

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EZplus Kontaktperson
Your contact person

Anna Rukhman

What is the TOEIC® test?

The TOEIC® Listening and Reading test has become a standard for decision makers. The test measures beginner to advanced English Listening and Reading comprehension skills and determine if someone studying English as a foreign language can communicate effectively and proficiently in English, across borders and cultures with co-workers and clients.


Test fee for registration more than 30 days before the date

150,00 €

Late registration fee (registration up to 4 days before the exam date)

190,00 €

You will receive your  digital score report by email between 7-10 working days after taking your test.

*If you would like to register for this test in person, please be aware that we charge a service fee of 10 euros.


Currently we only offer the TOEIC® L&R test as remote modality (from home)

Test Format

  • Stepless placement test with classification into the respective GER* level (no pass-or-fail test)
  • Remote: on the computer at home
  • Conducted under a certified proctor program


  • Listening: 100 multiple choice questions in 45 min.
  • Reading: 100 multiple choice questions in 75 min.

Language Level

  • A2 to C1 according to GER*


  • 120 min test time
Before the test you have 30 minutes to verify your identity, to check the testing environment and to check your computer and telephone are correctly configured on the ProctorExam platform. You have 15 minutes to familiarise yourself with the test instructions and fill out the administrative questionnaire.


  • Admission requirements for certain courses
  • Final test for graduates as a supplement to the application documents
  • Verification and certification of passive English skills for young professionals and professionals
  • Measuring instrument in recruiting and promotions
  • Classification, learning progress measurement and final test for language training
  • Motivation in the context of employer branding

*Please do not confuse this exam with the TOEIC PP exam (public program). The Public Programme provides an official digital score report or a paper version printed on secured paper, with the candidate’s picture, allowing their TOEIC score to be recognised internationally.

Our Services

Overview and Dates

Exam location
Guaranteed execution
Booked out / Registration deadline expired

Requirements for the test

These are the following technical requirements to be able to participate in the test:

5 steps to pass your TOEIC® test

The following items are prohibited on exam day

You can find more information about the TOEIC® tests on the ETS Global homepage.

EZplus is a member of the ALTE Association (Association of Language Testers in Europe)


You will acquire your language skills in language courses or through self-study.

You can always see the upcoming dates on our homepage. We usually offer the test every 3 times per week.

Currently you can pay your exam fee with the following payment methods:

  • Credit card
  • PayPal
  • Klarna Sofortüberweisung

Participation in the exam is confirmed directly with payment.

If you would like to pay by bank transfer, please fill out the online registration form completely. You will then receive the payment information and bank details from us by email. Please note that your booking can only be confirmed after receipt of payment and that the processing time is extended by 2-3 days if you pay by bank transfer.

In addition, personal registration and cash payment is possible during our opening hours. Please arrange an appointment with us by telephone.

You can rebook your exam date at any time. The first rebooking is free as long as you rebook at least 4 days before the exam. Within 4 days and for each additional rebooking we charge a fee of €70.00.

You always have the right to cancel your exam registration within 4 calendar days after you have paid without giving a reason. Please address your revocation exclusively in writing by e-mail to It is important that you send the notification before the end of the cancellation period.

If you cancel within 4 days before the start of the exam, we will charge a registration fee of €100.00. If you do not show up for the exam without an excuse, the right to rebooking/cancellation expires. A right to cancellation also expires after a rebooking due to illness.

Your exam result will be sent directly from ETS Global. We do not have access to this result. If you have requested an additional certificate, it will be sent by ETS Global to our headquarters so that we can then send it to you by postal mail.

Please note that if you fail to comply with one of the ETS Global rules/requirements during the exam, you will not be graded. If you do not agree to this, you must contact ETS Global directly.

Listening: 100 multiple choice questions in 45 min.

Reading: 100 multiple choice questions in 75 min.

The test is the same, but in a digital format! You hear each question once and there is no timer on the listening questions. Please note that, unlike the on-site test, you can only see the questions one at a time. 

If you need help, please use the chat on the ProctorExam platform and do not raise your hand, as indicated on the test platform. 

Once you have successfully completed the technical setup (steps detailed at the top of this page), you will receive an email containing the link to your test and instructions on how to proceed on the day of the test.

Important: if you do not complete all required settings, you will not receive the email to take the test.

Important: you will not receive a reminder email 

You must contact the university directly for this, as the requirements for the various courses differ. The TOEIC L&R only tests reading and listening comprehension.

On the day of the test, you will be connected to both the TOEIC and ProctorExam platforms simultaneously. 2 windows/tabs will be opened on your browser:

  • A window for the TOEIC test platform  
  • A window for the ProctorExam monitoring platform. 

Only these two windows and applications are allowed on your computer on test day.

At the end of your test, click on the „Exit“ button at the bottom right of the TOEIC platform, then at the top right on the blue „Finish test“ button of the ProctorExam platform. Make sure that you have finished your test before clicking on these buttons.

If you encounter an issue before or on the day of the test, you can contact ProctorExam via the chat support available on the right side of your screen.

If there is an interruption to the test platform during the test, you will be able to continue the test by logging in again via the link shared by ProctorExam. All questions you answered before the platform interruption are saved and you will start from the last question you saw.

Please note that you will be able to continue with the exam only if the problem was a problem with the exam or with ProctorExam. If you have problems with your Internet connection or with your computer, the ETS Global security department will then decide whether the score is still valid or not. Please note that you are responsible for your computer and Internet connection.

When your phone get’s disconnected, you will be notified and asked to re-scan the QR-Code. If your phone does refuse to work, please close and re-open the ProctorExam app or restart your smartphone. 

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